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Botox And Injectible Fillers

Dr. Richard Tepper personally performs all of the injectable procedures at his Springfield, NJ Cosmetic practice. Where most appropriate, he utilizes special cannula techniques, understanding how certain facial regions are better treated in this manner. Not all fillers are the same and not all injectors are either. Tired of seeing people who are “over-filled”? Dr. Richard Tepper will personally discuss those options that will best fit your concerns. The best outcome is that which makes you, the patient, happy.

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About Botox & Injectable Fillers

Using Injectable fillers is just about injecting and filling. The practice, to be most effective and natural, requires a careful analysis of the aging changes that led up to the problem areas under consideration.

One example of this can be seen when a patient is bothered by deepening folds in the inner cheeks (nasolabial folds) from the loss of cheek volume. To add filler to the folds without correcting the loss of cheek volume will eventually result in facial imbalance.

Dr. Richard Tepper, at his Springfield Plastic Surgery Practice, will review options for you based on your concerns.

Dr. Tepper specializes in treating one often-overlooked area, that being the front cheek and lower eyelid region. People often refer to the areas as “circles” or darkened grooves beneath the eyes. The “tear trough” is another descriptive term used. As people age, the cheeks tend to lose volume and the relationship between the cheek and lower lid changes. The lower lid appears to get longer and the point where the lower lid and cheek meet appears lower down on the cheek. Dr. Tepper utilizes a special technique which he himself refined to help patients improve those problematic areas beneath the eyes. Check out the before and after gallery for pictures of this unique technique and decide for yourself.

Some of the more common products and uses are listed below.

Common Products and Uses

BOTOX® Cosmetic

Reduces or eliminates lines and wrinkles by injecting small amounts into the facial muscles. Botox is most often used for treatment of frown lines (glabellar lines, “eleven” lines), smile lines next to the eyes (“crow’s feet”, canthal lines), and forehead or brow lines. Botox can also help reshape the outer eyebrows in some people, leading to a more pleasing, elevated shape.


A HA (hyaluronic acid) filler that resembles substances that are found in our own tissues. Juvéderm has been among the most popular products for many years, allowing improvements in many facial regions by adding subtle volume. Dr. Richard Tepper uses a special technique he refined to help improve those tired, aging lower eyelids and visible bags beneath the eyes. Juvederm often lasts 6-9 months in patients.


An excellent choice for those who have lost that rounded, youthful cheek appearance. It is placed deeper or even beneath the cheek tissue, to help radially expand the area. Dr. Richard Tepper often uses Juvederm Voluma XC to re-shape the mid-facial area, helping to direct gaze upwards toward the eyes. And this product has just been approved for use in augmenting the chin region. Voluma has been reported to last up to two years.


Developed by the company that manufactures Juvéderm, Vollure is indicated for improvements in the nasolabial lines or “parentheses”.


A finer, softer product, indicated for adding soft, natural volume to the LIPS and vertical lip lines. Dr. Richard Tepper has found that many patients like the softer, more supple changes in lip volume with this product. Since the product comes pre-mixed with a local anesthetic, many women do not require additional nerve blocks or medication.


This popular HA (hyaluronic acid) filler is indicated for improving lines and areas of volume loss in the facial region.

Restylane® Silk

Specifically designed to improve lip volume and shape, while providing a soft, natural feel.


By using this product daily, along the eyelid margin, you can improve the length and appearance of your eyelashes.


This product is approved for treatment of unwanted fat under the chin and upper neck. Kybella treatment involves multiple injections, spaced approximately 1/2″ apart, into the areas where fat reduction is desired. Most patients undergo two to three treatment sessions for optimal results.


Patients are advised to refrain from taking ibuprofen or other NSAID products for a week, or aspirin for 2 weeks, in order to reduce the risk of bruising. Some procedures may result in more bruising than others. Most treatments take between 15 and 45 minutes, depending on the complexity and number of areas being treated. Many patients return to work or regular activities the next day.

For some procedures, there are some limitations for the remainder of the treatment day, both for safety and for result benefits. Please let us know if you had any dental work within 2 weeks of your filler procedure, or are planning any procedure shortly after, as there may be a slight risk of infection as a result. If you suffer from cold sores on your lips (Herpes), please let us know. Injections and laser treatments on or near the lips can result in flare-ups. Pre-treatment with medication may be advised.

If you are considering Botox or Injectable fillers, Dr. Richard Tepper can guide you down the right path, to look and feel better about those things that bother you.