Revision Breast Augmentation
Patients who have undergone previous cosmetic breast surgery may one day desire a second procedure to improve overall appearance or repair an unwanted development. Dr. Richard Tepper at his Springfield NJ office location can discuss your concerns and treatment options in a private and concierge-style environment.
There are several reasons why revision breast surgery is chosen and include the following:
- A desire for another size change, whether an increase or decrease
- A concern about the age of the implants and the desire to change to newer styles
- A capsular contracture is adversely affecting the look or feel of the breasts
- A recent implant rupture
Pain or discomfort has developed - A desire to change from Saline to Gel implants, or vice versa

About Revision Breast Augmentation
Revision Breast Implant Surgery may be performed for multiple reasons. Dr. Richard Tepper will review your options, based on your concerns and desires, and a personalized plan will be developed.
Capsular contractures can negatively affect the breast shape and position. Revision Breast Implant Surgery can loosen tight areas of capsule or remove actual portions of the capsule altogether. New implants are then inserted, helping to restore a softer and more balanced appearance. Before and after images of patients can be viewed in the gallery section.
Ruptured implants are not all the same. Older models of gel implants had more of a “liquid” center, and ruptures resulted in gel leakage. Revision breast implant surgery removes the ruptured gel and as much of the capsule as is feasible, and new implants are then inserted, imparting a new look and feel with a concurrent sense of well-being. Patients tend to be thrilled after such a procedure.

Your post-operative care and treatment plan will likely be similar to your original procedure if performed by Dr. Richard Tepper. He will gladly review a more detailed plan during your office consultation.