services breasts

Breast Reconstruction

Do you suffer from neck pain, upper back pain, or shoulder grooving? Do you have poor posture from heavy breasts? Do you wish you could wear different styles of clothing? Dr. Richard Tepper can help alleviate your symptoms and concerns with breast reduction surgery.

A breast reduction, also known as a reduction mammoplasty, surgically removes excess breast tissue and skin, and in the process, repositions the nipple at a higher level, resulting in a smaller and more-pleasing breast shape. Breast reduction surgery may be the right choice for you if:

  • You suffer from neck, upper back and shoulder pain.
  • You have poor posture because of your breasts.
    You have heavy, sagging breasts.
  • You have shoulder grooves from the bra straps.
  • You find it difficult to exercise or be active because of large, heavy breasts.
  • You have some anxiety due to such large breasts.
  • You are a non-smoker and in relatively good health.
Schedule Your Consultation
woman in bikini sitting on a beach chair

About Breast Reconstruction

During your consultation, Dr. Tepper will discuss the various surgical techniques and which might be best for you. Factors that help determine which breast reduction surgery technique to use include your individual breast composition, amount of reduction desired, and your personal goals.

One technique, often referred to as a “vertical reduction”, employs a circular incision around the areola with a second incision running down the undersurface of the breast toward the crease. The benefits of this approach include less scarring, but there is initially more tissue bunching beneath the breast that will settle over time. Although temporary, patients need to understand that it may take a few months before the tissue becomes flatter and smoother.

Another technique is often referred to as an “inverted T” or “anchor” procedure as the scars resembles such. In addition to the circular incision around the areola and the vertical incision, there are also incisions in the crease beneath the breast to help contour the soft tissue.

Both methods can result in nicely shaped, smaller breasts. During your consultation with Dr. Richard Tepper, you will have an opportunity to learn whether one method is more favorable for your individual situation.

  • pre Breast Augmentation
    Pre Surgery
    post Breast Augmentation
    Post Surgery
  • pre Breast Augmentation
    Pre Surgery
    post Breast Augmentation
    Post Surgery
  • pre Breast Augmentation
    Pre Surgery
    post Breast Augmentation
    Post Surgery
  • Recovery

    Patients should anticipate some soreness and discomfort that lasts a few days and oral pain medication may be used as needed. The first bandage change is performed on the second or third day, and any drains are removed. A soft, non-underwire bra or spandex bra is used to provide gentle support. It is always advisable to have someone drive you to the first post-operative visit.

    Most patients can drive by the second week, and many return to work in the second or third week. Normal activity can be resumed in about six weeks.